
Transport Research Arena Athens Special DaCoTA Session
Wednesday 25 April 2012
Nikos Skalkotas Hall

At the Transport Research Arena in Athens this year the DaCoTA team presented their work at a Special Session. Delegates at the well attended conference were able to hear about the achievements of the project team and the latest developments in the European Road Safety Observatory.


DaCoTA Special Session presentations
Speaker Link to presentation
Professor Pete Thomas, Loughborough University, UK
Road safety policy-making - identifying the characteristics of effective road safety management procedures
Dr Nicole Muhlrad, IFSTTAR, France
In-depth accident investigations - developing a network of teams across EU Member States
Julian Hill, Loughborough University, UK
Web-based access to data - developing a safety data and knowledge system
Professor George Yannis, NTUA, Greece
Accident forecasting and comparisons - comparing the development of road safety across countries
Dr Emmanuelle Dupont, IBSR
eSafety and accident data - identifying the new types of data needed to develop active safety collision prevention and mitigation measures
Thierry Hermitte, LAB, France
Naturalistic driving protocols - methods to observe normal driving to identify ways to address safety needs
Niels Bos, SWOV, Netherlands